Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I am a Molecular Biology major at an undisclosed private University in Utah, where there are Mormons and where the mountains are really close. My name shall remain nameless, but if you must know, I live in a place where there is a giant Y on the mountain. The Y on the mountain stands for the middle initial of the guy whose first name starts with a B and ends with an M, which surrounds the collection of letters "righa". The guy whose name starts with a B and ends with an M had a giant beard, and had like 500 wives.

My father is an undocumented illegal "alien" from Mesico, who worked to support our family by playing trumpet in a travelling Mariachi band. My dear mother, who is one-third polkish, sells clock radios and beaded jewellery to buy flour and frijoles for our family. My hermana, Mino, loads fruit trucks in Tijuana. Mi otra hermana, Missi, is a quincanera planner. Y my brother, who we lovingly call Mija, is an instrument engineer for Fluor in Houston, TX.

This will be a blog about random shit. Like music, news, politics, or whatever. I haven't got it all planned out yet, because I don't plan shit. I just do.

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